So, I may be a tad IKEA obsessed. As a young newly wed, I just can’t bypass their awesome prices! It gives us the ability to furnish our home without breaking the bank! You can find something from IKEA in just about every room of my house. I actually started […]

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How we met/got engaged!

Written by Josh Over the summer of 2015 and into fall, I began steadily asking God to send a girl into my life that would become my wife. This was the first thing I asked Him for each morning and the last thing I thought about prior to sleeping at night. In […]

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Focus on Blessings

So often we get caught up in the things we don’t have and never stop and focus on all the amazing things going on in our lives. Imagine how much happier people we would be if we always looked at the positive instead of the constant hustle to get and achieve more.

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