Focus on Blessings

One habit I have decided to create this year is each month to sit down and write out a list of 10 things I am grateful. I want to use this time to truly reflect on everything God has blessed my life with. So often we get caught up in the things we don’t have and never stop and focus on all the amazing things going on in our lives. Focusing on the blessings in our lives can bring more joy than we would expect. Imagine how much happier people we would be if we always looked at the positive instead of the constant hustle to get and achieve more.

Month 1

So with that here is my first list of 2019!

  1. My health – It seems the only time our health gets attention is if we want to change something or if something is wrong with us. Currently, I am feeling good, I don’t have anything major wrong with me! Sure, I have goals I want to accomplish in this department. God does say to treat our bodies like a temple because we are created in his image! I just want to take a moment to praise God for the blessing that I am healthy and alive!!
  2. My husband – Yeah, I know this one is predictable but it is the honest truth! The way he supports my spontaneous ideas. The way he leads me and encourages me in my faith. He is quite literally my best friend and feeds all of my love languages everyday! He is my rock when I need to fall apart and always says just what I need to hear (usually something funny lol). Truly a blessing.
  3. Our home – We have the sweetest little old house! It literally has a rounded front door and multiple fireplaces. Along with lots of windows and a huge kitchen! It is more than I could have ever asked for from our first home! I will do a house tour post one day!
  4. Music – More specifically Spotify. I use Spotify every single day. My days feel so dry and empty without music. It feeds my soul and affects my moods SO much! In one day, I will listen to anything from worship music to country. Another day I might be listening to pump up music or French songs that I can’t even understand (I just love how elegant the language is!).  
  5. This platform – Obviously, I am brand new at this whole blogging thing but it already has been such a great creative outlet for me! No, I am not the best writer or do the most exciting things but I had a need to create and I couldn’t get the idea of starting a blog off my mind!
  6. My family – I have always been very close with my family. Three years ago I decided to move to South Carolina and they 100% supported me. They have always gone out of their way to visit me and keep our bond strong! That is not something I take for granted.
  7. A new year – How exciting is the beginning of a new year? I get so much inspiration and energy knowing it can be a fresh start and clean slate! New goals and an opportunity to tweak your life a little more than the last year!
  8. Clean water – I have always been a HUGE water drinker! I was allergic to a ton of things when I was little so I developed a love for water very early on! It has never been hard for me to drink enough water each day, usually, I drink way more than the typical human needs just because I crave it all the time! This makes me SO grateful to have access to unlimited clean water I couldn’t imagine being in a part of the world where water is a luxury.
  9. Financial stability – Having enough is something that should never be taken for granted. I am so proud of Josh and I that we work hard and are smart with our resources. So many people struggle and it breaks my heart!
  10. My fitness tribe – Last summer I found my tribe! A group of amazing women that are focused and supportive! Some people are self-motivated and disciplined enough to tackle their wellness alone and props to them, that is NOT me! I require accountability and encouragement from people who are in it with me! So incredibly thankful for them!

So obviously this months list was broader because it was the first one. But as the year goes on I will be more specific and dig deep to focus my thoughts on gratitude! I would love to hear your lists for this month!

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1 comment

  1. Fabulous! Simply fabulous! I love you and I am so very proud of you! So very proud to call you family!