
Wow, what a crazy time to be alive. This covid-19 virus is scary. This is the first time in my lifetime, that I know of, that something like this has happened. Things here in South Carolina are just getting serious. Schools have been closed through the end of the month. The CDC came out and recommended that there are no gatherings of 50 people or more. Almost all sports, concerts and other entertainment has been canceled or rescheduled for the fall. Many people are choosing to self-quarantine or being forced too because they have been in contact with someone who has the virus.

Our main goal as a country right now is to stop the spread and or flatten the curve. If we are not able to stop this virus then we at least are trying to make sure it remains manageable by our healthcare system. Makes senses right?

Many people are struggling with being stuck at home or the threat of being stuck at home. Businesses are closing, churches are meeting online and ‘social distancing’ is being advised all over the state. That means a lot of time spent at home that we usually wouldn’t. So what do we do with all this extra time? We can only watch so much Netflix, right? Well, I have put together somewhat of a bucket list to help us get through this strange time! I highly encourage you to build off of this list! Make it your own, use it to get you started! Use this crazy covid-19 quarantine to your advantage!

covid-19 bucket list


Father God, we trust you above all else during this time of unknown. You are our provider in good times and bad. Lord, fill us with your peace and joy. Let us feel you surrounding us with your healing and protection. We are claiming deliverance from this in the name of Jesus, Amen.


Friends, do not live in fear! Do not let anxiety rule your life! This too shall pass! We should be prepared, yes, but you can choose not to panic. I know that things out of our control are hard to sit with, trust me! But turn to the one who does know. Turn to the God who knew this was coming and when it will pass. He has not forsaken us and never will! Let’s just be smart, wash our hands, keep our distance and be prepared to stay home for a while. This doesn’t mean go hoard things and be crazy. Stay busy, make a plan, give yourself a new routine to follow. Make the most out of this extra time! I know it seems scary and some people are saying it will get worse before it gets better. But it WILL get better! This too shall pass! Don’t let the panic over covid-19 win.

I am here if you need anything! If you need to chat, some encouragement, or some ideas to keep busy! I got you! We are all in this together! I personally am very proud of the way our country to meeting this head-on and staying on the side of caution. We may never know if we overreacted during this time, but we would definitely know if we under reacted! Better safe than sorry! Stay safe my friends!


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