How to Make A Digital Vision Board

vision board

Now I am no expert but in the past couple of years, I have really embraced goals, vision, and planning! It’s always a good idea to have some sort of idea of where you’d like to be headed. Being an enneagram 7, goal setting and planning actually gives me crazy anxiety. I don’t like the pressure of having to think and plan very far ahead but after putting in some serious effort I have come to realize the benefits.

I have come to the realization that I am allowed to change or adjust my goals and plans whenever I choose! Which has helped me take a lot of the pressure off of setting those goals and plans. I have found it easier to set quarterly goals whenever possible. But in the new year, I like to start with something a bit broader, a vision board!

There are many different ways to make a vision board. You can make a physical one on a dry erase board or poster board or even just a sheet of paper. Or you can go the digital route like I do just to keep things clean and organized. Plus it’s free! You can make your own vision board in 3 simple steps!

Step 1

A good place to start is setting a few goals for the year. I personally started this year’s board with a Word of the Year. I will share all about this in a separate post. But once I decided on my word, I created 3 subcategories of that word. 3 branches, if you will. Then I set a few goals for each branch. Bam, goals set.

Step 2

Once I had my word and goals set for this year, I allowed myself to think a bit bigger. Like big dream life goals. It never hurts to think and dream big! As a 7, it is hard for me to see past next week. It’s just my nature to live in the moment and be spontaneous. I don’t like to restrict myself with plans and boundaries. But you will never reach big goals if you don’t set them! So try your very best to dream!

Step 3

Now it’s time to make the actual vision board! Gather some photos online that represent your goals and where you want to be by the end of the year. How you want your life to look and things you want to keep reminding yourself of this year. Mantras, quotes, motivation, your why, etc. Once you have gathered these photos it’s time to make the board. I use the website Canva to make mine. There are several templates available and you can customize them to your liking! Here is mine for an example.

vision board

I hope these steps will help you succeed in creating your own vision board for this year. Just know that you are allowed to tweak, redo, or update your vision board at ANY TIME. There are no rules, it is YOUR vision! Life happens and changes all the time. Allow yourself the grace to adapt to whatever comes your way this year! There is no pressure! Happy visioning!

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