IVF Transfer Prep

Hi guys! It has been a hot minute! Life has been so out of wack lately and I have not been in a good headspace to blog but I am back! Since my last update, we have had our embryos just chilling on ice waiting for the big transfers! Our first one will be on April 21st! We are crazy excited! We have a daily countdown going and talk about it every day! We have names picked out, the extra bedroom cleaned out, and we are SO ready for this thing to work! I know there is a good chance this won’t work, but I am believing that this is our time and this transfer will be successful! Here is an update on transfer prep!

First Day of Transfer Stims

Transfer prep
March 30th

I started meds about 8 days ago! Not too bad this go around, just pills at the moment. About 5 days out from the transfer I will start PIO shots. So far I am feeling good! Moving my body a lot helps with the stress of it all. I will say that I am just overall thankful for this experience. It is hard, yes, but the people I have been connected to and the support I have had makes it so much easier!

We are about 15 days out! I can’t even believe it! Two weeks from today I will be going in to have blood work done to make sure we are good to go for the transfer the next day! I am so excited I can’t even stand it! These last couple of weeks have been weird! On top of the stress and anxiety from this IVF process and all the waiting, the world decided to throw in some coronavirus hysteria. I have been on pins and needles this whole time worrying that my clinic will close or shelter in place will go into effect and I won’t be able to go to my clinic. SO if we can just make it 15 more days without all hell breaking loose, we will be good!

Other Updates

Our t-shirt fundraiser has been amazing! The first round of shirts has been delivered and the outpouring of love through this has been so touching!! I love my people! The links to the shirts will stay active for a while just so people can still get theirs if they missed it! If you are new here, this post is the very beginning of our infertility journey! We are just plugging right through transfer prep and honestly, the days are flying by! Thank goodness for that!

Transfer prep tshirt fundraiser

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