Tools to start your blog

Starting a blog has been in the back on my mind for a couple years. After following many blogs for awhile, I felt like I knew enough about it to make my own. What’s not to love about the idea of creating content like sharing helpful information and my personal take on things. Turns out I had NO idea how to even go about getting started! This lead to turning to the ever so helpful internet where others have gone before me and were nice enough to share what they learned along the way!

In attempts to help others out there like me to get ahead a little, I have put all the tools I used to get my blog up off the ground here. So if you wanted to start your own you’d have a helpful place to start! I realize that everyone’s style is different so just look at these as examples.

Basically, I did a ton of research, watched all of the YouTube videos and read all the articles. I then used the step-by-step video I linked below to create a website. After learning the basics how what I was going to need to do, I started over from scratch and built what is now my live website.

Helpful links

Where to start:

Most helpful article!!

Creating your site:

Youtube video step-by-step

Learning the basics:

Lifestyle Blogging Basics


She is GOALS!

Content ideas:

Brilliant concepts

Blog lingo:

Need to know terms

Obviously, there are literally a TON of resources out there. Some are free and some are paid but neither are lacking in helpfullness. One thing I have learned through this process is to not be afraid to ask for help! The blogging community is incredible openhanded and just the best! I plan to keep adding to this list as I learn.

If you are reading this and you are a seasoned blogger, feel free to drop your suggestions or things that helped you when you got started in this biz! Every little tip helps!

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  1. I would definitely suggest joining blogger collective groups on Facebook – it’s a great way to get exposure and connect with other bloggers!

  2. I’m not a seasoned blogger at all. Lol, but since just starting I have found tailwind to be extremely helpful in building my Pinterest traffic. Joining tribes to share awesome content to your followers and to create exposure for your content has been a game changer for me, not to mention having your posts scheduled and pinned for you creates more time to do what I love!

  3. Thank you for sharing. I’m not exactly new to blogging, but I’m taking this blog more seriously than my previous blogs and trying to do things the right way to make it successful. I’ve found some of the blogging Facebook groups really helpful. Both for traffic and support.

  4. I think this is great! I’m a new blogger, but I would suggest sticking to one or 2 promotional platforms such as Pinterest and Facebook, or Facebook and Instagram. You wouldn’t want to get overwhelmed and quit blogging because it’s just too much too soon.