Moving to South Carolina cont.

The day had come. My car was packed to the brim. (My parents were bringing my furniture down later that month and I was going to be staying with my grandparents for a couple days until they came.) I had just past Nashville when my phone rang. It was the worst news. My grandma had passed away that morning. My mom told me to keep going and that the rest of my family was jumping in the car and coming down as well. The silver lining in it all was that I was the first person to my grandpa and was able to be there for him during that awful time.

Purpose in the Hard Times

I was there and available to help watch kiddos while my mom and her siblings sorted everything out. When everyone else had to go back to work, I was able to be there and help out. It was not the best start to my life in South Carolina and that drive down by myself was not easy after hearing that news but when I look back now, I am so glad that I was already headed south when I got that call.

Moving Changed Everything

On a happier note, I met my now husband only a month after I moved into my apartment down here and got my foot in the door at my now career the very same day (I will tell this story one day)! Everything happened exactly how it was suppose to.

I will be honest, was it a tough transition to not have ANY friends for a couple months, YES! Was it annoying to have to use google maps every time I got in my car, YES! Was it hard being so far from my dad when my car broke down several times, YES! But even in those hard moments, I felt a sense of peace and reassurance that I was exactly where God wanted me and I never once thought about giving up and going back home.

So here is my encouragement to you, don’t be afraid to do those big scary things! Those huge, out of reach feeling ideas that come into your head are dreams! And the only dreams you’ll ever regret going after are the ones you don’t go after! Its okay to fail. Its okay for things to not look how you thought they would in the end! I never imagined I would be where I am today! My reality is even better than my wildest dreams!

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  1. I count you as one of my many blessings, so I am very grateful that you followed your dreams and moved to SC! 💜

  2. We never know what Gods plans are, I’m glad you were there for your Grandpa and to help out the family, thank you for sharing