Running into Day 2 in D.C.

running into day 2 in d.c.

Tuesday Morning

If you missed why I’m in D.C., start here. Pals, I made the best decision this morning. I got up at 6:30 am, put my running shoes on and hit the pavement. I ran 2 miles from my hotel to the Washington Monument. From there I took a right to the Lincoln Memorial. Running by these massive sights with the sunrise in the distance was incredible!

I was so impressed by the number of people out running as well! I stopped and took photos, waved and smiled to the grounds crew, and started my day being inspired!

Running while traveling is a great way to get your exercise in while still doing some sightseeing! You should definitely try it!


So, as you know, I work for the Parks Department. So, when I read that the conference dress code was business casual, I knew I would have to purchase some new items. Luckily I hit up H&M and found some great items!

I just so happened to be looking at the sale items and saw the most gorgeous pale green blazer. It was only $16!!!! What?!?! I had to stop myself from jumping up and down. It fit perfectly, and was so me I couldn’t even handle it! You better believe I bought that bad boy and am rocking it today!!

I decided to pair it with my Old Navy jumpsuit because I loved the colors together plus I didn’t want to wear another dress today.

Conference sessions

This day was used for learning what other locals and colleges did with their grant money and how they created the program. It was so inspiring to hear all the different creative ways this group of people was able to impact the lives of older adults all over the country. Although I do not represent a college and would not be able to receive a grant like this, I have already had many ideas for possible programs we could create just by listening to the results and challenges of others grant program.

Please Comment Below

I want to know, from your perspective, what is something as communities all over the country that we can do better to meet the needs of our older adults? From your interactions with the older adults in your community, what do you think they struggle with the most?

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