Why I am in D.C.

Wondering why I am in D.C. this week? Well, here is why! Some of you know that I work with older adults in my community in several different ways. One of those ways is through a partnership with a local college that has a grant-funded program to facilitate inter-generational activities. It is a wonderful program that we have hosted at our sites for the last two years. I am lucky enough to be attending a conference with other colleges and community partners around the country that have their own version of this program!

The purpose of this conference is to share and inspire ways to create sustainability for these programs. It is incredible to hear all of the different ways that this grant is funding these inter-generational programs all over the US!

One of the things I am interested in discussing here is the impact this type of program could have on mental health for all ages. Not just the older adults but also the college students as well as younger children. My favorite part about this program is that it is taking place in some community centers that have both older adults and children. So we have the opportunity to really grow the reach of this program.

To be honest, before getting the job I have at the Parks Department, I worked more with children and thought my passion lied solely with younger people. But through projects like these, it has opened my eyes to the potential it can bring for all age groups.

Everyone can learn from everyone. Regardless of your age. There are so many stigmas around working with older adults that turn many people off from it. But to tell you the truth, most of them are just not true. Older adults are loving, growing, learning people just like the rest of us. And their health and well-being are just as important as our children. People tend to forget that.

Help a sister out!

So that’s basically the gist of it! I will make sure to share a follow-up post about the conference and my time here in DC in general. I have been to D.C. before and done all the touristy things. But if you have anything that I need to do or see before I leave, please leave them in the comments!

Essentially Sydney takes DC
Essentially Sydney takes D.C.

If you need some new tunes, here ya go!!!!

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  1. I’ve never been to DC before but it’s on my bucket list! Your job sounds amazing! I think we forget how different generations can help each other. Love it!