The Plan

The Plan - Essentially Sydney

Hey friends! It’s me again, here to update you on our infertility journey. This summer has been full of tests, exams, and bloodwork. We did a lot of waiting for results and now we have a plan.

At the beginning of the summer, we determined that Josh was struggling with male infertility and we were sent to a specialist. Some of you that live in the area have probably heard of PREG. PREG is the infertility clinic in our area. We made an appointment and sat down with the doctor. He spoke for roughly 20 minutes on all the things that could possibly be wrong and then took some blood and did an exam.

We waited for 3 weeks to go back to hear our results.

Earlier this week we sat back down with the doctor. He told that it was indeed what he had expected and that our only option was IVF.

My heart broke.

I was sad/mad/disappointed/scared/nervous to know that the only way we can create the family we have dreamt of was to undergo a very invasive and expensive process.

The part that gave me so much hope was that neither Josh or I ever considered not trying it!

There we sat, staring up at a giant mountain completely clueless of how we would make it to the top. But nonetheless, we believed God will make it possible!

We asked all the questions we could think of and came up with a timeline.

So, What’s the Plan?

By the grace of God, we will hopefully have our transfer in February of next year.

Our precious little future 10k-15k Garrison baby is already being claimed! It will be so incredibly worth every procedure, medication, medical bill, worry, and dollar!

I can honestly say now that I have processed some of my emotions, I am above all else, extremely excited! I am SO excited to go through this process because the end result is a pure miracle!

If you know me, you know I do not wait very well. These next 6 months will be the hardest part for me because that is all we can do, wait and PRAY! May God bless this plan of ours so that everything goes as it should so we can be that much closer to starting our family!

Want to read from the beginning of this journey? Start here.

The Plan - Essentially Sydney
My Rock!

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  1. YES! Baby Garrison is already claimed! I have it marked on May 21! Hold your heads high and walk proud as Godโ€™s children. He has you road already mapped out. You just have to take the steps in faith! I love you both and pray for the sweet family God has planned for you! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

  2. Sydney,
    Ashley can’t have kids her fallopian tubes are blocked, so she would totally understand what your feeling and going through if you want to reach out to her, I will be praying for you and Josh, I know several people that have had huge success and no doubt you will too!!

  3. Best wishes! Thanks for sharing about your journey. I know it will help someone who reads it