Things I Love About This Season In My Life

I have talked so much about how hard this season of waiting is. How it sucks and feels so lonely at times. I’ve also touched on some of the positives like growing closer to God and my husband. But today I really want to dive into what I LOVE about this season.

My whole life I’ve been on the fast track. Going 100 mph in everything I did. I would jump into things and live them so quickly that I didn’t give myself time to sit in them and truly grow.

I would immediately dive into the next big thing because my attention span is all of 2 seconds. ADHD probs. Gotta love it. But truthfully, I’m thankful for being this way because it saved my heart a lot of pain at the time.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my fair share of heartbreak and pain but due to my very short attention span, I was always easily distracted. This is both a good thing and a bad. Because of this reality, I don’t think I truly healed from all those hard times.

Things I love about this season in my life

God has given me a season where I can focus on the now instead of living for the future.

I haven’t been able to run from this season. I can’t force things to speed up or happen when I want. I’ve had time to dig deep into issues I’ve been avoiding for years. Pushing them to the back of mind to deal with later. Well, this is later apparently.

Finding the Joy

On a more positive note, this season has allowed me to truly grow and accept myself for who I am and to be okay with who I am not. That last part is a big one for me! I struggle with a lot of self-worth issues. But that’s a story for another time.

In this season, God has slowed my life down and the best things have happened! No matter how things turn out from all of this, I will forever be grateful for this time. It’s reminded me that God is in full control and has the most perfect plan for me. And that included this season of healing and self-awareness.

I’ve tried more things and succeeded at more things in this season than I ever thought I was capable of! This blog is one of them! It might just seem like a hobby to you on the outside but in a way this simple little blog saved me. It helped me realize that society doesn’t get to define what I am capable of. Just because I don’t have a full college degree with excellent grades and all my ducks in a row does not mean I can’t achieve my dreams!

Can You Relate?

Pretty great realization right? We all have those things in the back of our minds that hold us back from our potential. It takes work, time and a whole lot of God’s amazing grace to truly see what we are capable of! I pray that each and every one of you will promise yourselves that you’ll do the work to get rid of those lies in your mind! Fear is a liar! Self-doubt is a liar! And it is okay to try and fail! As long as you try again!

If you would like to follow along with this journey, I share most things here on my Facebook page! Just give it a like to get notifications when I post updates! Thank you so much for your support!

I will be posting an update on our Infertility Journey this weekend! So stay tuned. If you have any questions, please drop them in the comments and I will do my best to answer them in that post! <3

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  1. My beautiful niece. I have learned to take one day at s time. I am so proud of you and that you have accomplished in your lifetime. A college degree does not make you a successful person. You have already showed you are successful in your own way. Remember I am always here for you. We love you and Josh so much.

  2. Taking things one step at a time and “as they come” is the best way! It is the only way to heal! I pray God’s richest blessings on you and Josh! ❤️ I love you two more than I could ever express. God DOES have such a great plan for you two which He ordained before you were even born! Stay strong and beloved in Him! I love you! Mom!

  3. I knew God had great things planned for you since I watched you take your first breath and heard your sweet little cry! Life is a crazy ride and sometimes we just have to hold on! You got this!
    Love you ❤️