Tips for Breastfeeding and Pumping Mamas

If you haven’t realized it yet, feeding our children is a full-time job! Especially when they are little! Feeding every couple hours, for anywhere from 15-40 minutes each time, adds up really quick! And then before you know it, it’s time to do it all over again! I see you momma! Covered in milk and spit-up stained clothes, burp cloths everywhere, it can feel so overwhelming! Then on top of everything we are doing, we worry if it’s enough! We worry if they are getting the right amount, if their belly hurts, are they having enough dirty diapers, what’s normal, etc. So anything that can make this phase easier is huge! Breastfeeding can break you!

After going through it as a first-time mom, I am so thankful for all the tips and tricks my friends and other mommas shared with me! So I am going to compile them all here so it might help the next first-time mom! Whether you are exclusively pumping or exclusively breastfeeding or a combination of both, I have done it all so hopefully you’ll find some helpful tips no matter where you are right now! I can’t share any tips for formula-fed babies because I have not used formula so far.

But hear me when I say this!


No mom-shaming here! Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding you do what you have to do to keep your little one fed! Period! You are a good mama!

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General Breastfeeding and Pumping Tips

Just as a rule of thumb, DRINK WATER! All-day! To make sure you are getting enough water each day, WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KEEP YOUR SUPPLY UP, try to drink at least 16oz every time you pump! Think of it as replacing the fluids you are removing from your body.

To go along with the water intake, make sure you are eating enough as well! Breastfeeding burns a lot of calories and you need to replace them! I know it sounds like a no-brainer but it can be VERY easy to forget to eat when you are so hyper-focused on taking care of your baby! Try to plan ahead and prepare things you can eat with one hand or that you can grab and go!

Try and stay positive and flexible! There is no exact science to feeding a newborn! You can read all the things, buy all the gadgets but until you live it, there is no way to know how it is going to go. You may have all the intentions to only breastfeed but your supply might not cooperate or your baby might not latch. Or you are set on using a certain formula but your baby’s body disagrees. So give yourself grace! You are learning and guess what, so is your baby!


Pumping Tips

This first tip will change your life! Does it feel like all you do all day is wash your pump parts? Well not anymore! After each use, put them in a gallon size ziplock bag and place them in the refrigerator. This will keep them from growing bacteria and all you’ll have to do is wash and sanitize at the end of the day! Bam!!

Speaking of pump parts, get extra sets! You will 100% need more sets than what the pump comes with! You’ll lose parts, they will go bad and you’ll be too tired to wash the same pair constantly! I have like 4 sets of pump parts!

Massage your breast while pumping to make sure you are emptying them each time to avoid clogged ducts. You can buy one of those massagers or you can just make a fist and use your second knuckles to massage and move toward your nipple. Works just as well! Make sure to massage your breast for about 1–3 minutes before you put the flanges on your breasts and begin pumping. For some women, this will be enough stimulation for them to pump the amount of milk they wish. Others will have more success if they massage while pumping, especially if using a hands-free device to hold the flanges. 

Do not skip early morning pump sessions! You’ll most likely have the most milk at the start of your day! When I feed B for the first time in the morning, I usually put my Haakaa on the other breast to collect the letdown! One day I might get really skilled and full-on pump the other side while I breastfeed. Haha, baby steps.

You’ve got this mama!

Are you having to pump at work? Is your supply dropping some? It could be because you are feeling less connected to your baby. Try looking at photos and videos of your baby while you pump!

Also, when you go back to work, try to pump on the baby’s typical schedule. When they eat, you should pump. That way your body will keep up the same supply your baby is needing.

As a new mom, I was really worried about supply and I was afraid to pump too often because I wanted to make sure there was enough to breastfeed. Turns out there’s no need to wait any specific amount of time after feeding to pump. Your breasts make milk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When your breasts are “full,” milk production does slow down, but when they are “less full,” milk production actually speeds up. You can feed your baby on request, and pump in-between. 

Do not worry about running out of milk for your baby’s next feeding. Your body will replace the milk you remove. You’re likely to find that the following day, you’ll produce a little more milk to meet the demands of both your baby and the pump.


Breastfeeding Tips

If you are in pain, do everything you can to ease it. Pain is not normal while breastfeeding and it can be fixed! A little discomfort when first latching can be normal but it should ease after a few seconds.

Nipple shields are so awesome for breastfeeding! If you are cringing just at the thought of your next nursing session because your nipples hurt so bad, try a shield! It will most likely help a lot!

For in-between feedings treat your nipples! I LOVE these soothing gel pads! They feel amazing!! Also, this gel is great! and these cooling pads are great if you get clogged ducts! I also use these shells for when things are just too sensitive!

Do not be afraid to call your hospitals’ lactation department, with ANY questions! They are there to help make sure your breastfeeding journey is successful! I highly recommend that if you are having any issues at all, make an appointment and go in! They will watch your feeding session and offer suggestions and tips! You should do this sooner rather than later! It might just save your nipples a lot of pain and you a lot of frustration!

Just go ahead and order all the breast pads! You will go through them like crazy! I use both disposable and washable!

You’re doing great mama!

Here is a big tip! Put everything you want to eat, drink, or do at arm’s lengths before you sit down to nurse! You might be thinking “Duh Sydney” but I can’t tell you how many times I have started nursing and then had to ask Josh to bring me like 4 things.

Try your very best to avoid getting clogged ducts! Don’t go too long without nursing or pumping! If your ducts get clogged and don’t get emptied quickly it could become infected and you could develop mastitis which is very painful!

Other Things

I really hope that these help you on your journey! You are doing a great job and your little is so blessed to have you!

I use a few apps just about every day to help keep my head on straight! One of them I use to log all my feedings so I can keep track!

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1 comment

  1. I wish I would have had all this information at my fingertips when I was having my babies. Momma’s put do much pressure on themselves. It doesn’t matter whether our babies are breast or bottle fed. Just relax, enjoy, and cherish every moment with your baby. Your baby thinks you are doing a great job and loves you no matter what!