Wardrobe Essentials

When it comes to style, I would have to say that mine has changed a lot over the years. In high school, I couldn’t have cared less about how I dressed, let alone anything about wardrobe essentials. I was an athlete that basically wore sweats every day because sports were my focus at the time. When I got to college my style did a complete 180. I started working retail and I was so inspired every day to experiment with clothes and accessories. My closet was filled with bright colors, fun prints, and interesting textures! It was what I call my glory days. I had the figure so I could basically pull anything off.

Fast forward to today. I am married, have an 8-4 job with my county’s parks department and prefer to spend my evenings at home with my husband and pups.  Sadly, not much of a need for crazy clothes in my closet these days. Besides the occasional wedding or formal event, we keep it pretty casual in the Garrison household.

But one thing I have found to be true through all these stages of my wardrobe is the importance of the essentials. Regardless of your style, there are a few key pieces that will always have a place in your closet. I am going to share my wardrobe essentials with you below and I would love to hear your thoughts and if you have any pieces you would add to the list!

Here we go

  • A comfortable jean jacket – I say comfortable because there is nothing worse than a too stiff jean jacket!

  • A flannel button up – depending on your fav colors, yours will probably be a different print than mine.
  • A pair of cute booties – Nothing can round out a cute outfit like the perfect pair of neutral booties!
  • Your favorite black active leggings- We all know black is slimming and who doesn’t enjoy the extra confidence that black can provide! They also can take you from a comfy, cute day outfit to getting your sweat on in seconds!
  • A plain white t-shirt – We all have those ‘need to do laundry days’ and are seriously lacking in options. BAM! Plain white tee to the rescue!
  • The perfect fitting jeans – There are a TON of different styles of jeans available these days! It may take an hour in the fitting room, but there is no reason to not have a style that fits in all the right places!
  • A handy baseball cap – On those mornings when you hit snooze too many times and don’t have time to wash your hair, and queue baseball cap! Spray some dry shampoo and throw on that cap!
  • A pair of printed pants – There is no reason your bottom half shouldn’t get to have any fun on days too! Quickest way to feel super sassy is to throw on a pair of pants that are floral, animal print, striped, polka dotted, etc!!
  • A fun jumpsuit – One and done! Need I say more?
  • A cozy pair of sweats – Come on, did you really not think I was going to go there? You can take the girl out of the sweats but you can’t take the sweats out of the girl?? Wait, that doesn’t make sense but you get the gist!

Images from Unsplash collection

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  1. I couldn’t agree more with every single one of these items being staple, yet if someone had asked me, I wouldn’t have been able to list them off so flawlessly. You nailed it, girl. Thank you!!