Working on my fitness

Fitness has always been a passion of mine. You are reading about an ADHD girl who has always been overflowing with energy and had to find ways to let it out! It started with soccer when I was little. Then I discovered my love for running and I have never stopped! I have ran track, cross county, for fun, 5ks, 8ks, and a 10k! I run when I am stressed, excited, tired, bored, and anything in between! Its a type of therapy for me!

About six months ago I decided to mix it up and do a little cross training! After doing a ton of research and asking a ton of questions, I joined Beachbody and now I do a variety of workouts throughout the week. I do some weight lifting, yoga and dance workouts along with my running. I am a firm believer that working out should be fun! If you aren’t enjoying what your doing at least a little bit, why do it?!

I thought I knew how to ‘work out’ but quickly learned I really had no idea when I started Beachbody. The super trainers taught me how to properly lift weights, correct forms for every move, and that there are many more ways to exercise than just running. I am basically in heaven now with a ton of options and never a fear of getting bored!

Coming up, I am going to do a comparison post of all the different programs that Beachbody has to offer so you can find one that would fit your preferences!

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