Ways to Prep for Christmas EARLY!

Ok, so I know this is a thing that some people do and it’s also a thing other people want to do but never manage to. I feel like most people that prep early for Christmas start RIGHT after Christmas for the next one. That is just not gonna happen for this girl. I am discussing ways to prep for Christmas starting in the fall, not January. So stick with me because I think that these few tips can make a massive difference in the holiday season. My main motivation for doing this is because my newest little one will be here right before Halloween so I am trying to elevate some of the stress that comes with the holiday season since I will be navigating those newborn days again.

This concept does take some planning on the front end. So grab that cute notepad you never use and let’s jump in! 14 weeks until the big day!

planning early on

1/ Start planning gifts now!

There are so many different ways you could go about this! You could go the homemade route early on and pick one craft, edible gift, or project to make for everyone! A few ideas for this are hot cocoa kits, potpourri kits, homemade candles, microwave heat packs, homemade ornaments, scented fire starters, and so on!

Or maybe your family choices to switch things up and just get stocking stuffers for everyone! I personally love this idea especially when you have a big family! Everyone brings something for everyone’s stocking and you end up with a full stocking to open!

Here are some great gift ideas for toddlers in your life that don’t need another toy! (Mom, check out this list!)

Either way, start making a list and planning out your gifts now! Trust all the stores are already telling us the trending gifts for this year very early on!

Bonus: Another tip about gifts, wrap them up as soon as they arrive. That means go out now and find some wrapping paper (Dollar Tree has some great affordable wrapping supplies!), gift bags, or whatever you are doing this year, and stock up! There’s nothing that looms in the air like needing to wrap a ton of gifts! Here are some ideas to reduce the amount of waste as well!

2/ Start scheduling get-togethers now!

Find out where you need to be and when! Add it to your calendar and plan accordingly! That way you can sprinkle in all the fun things you want to do at home or with your kids and not worry about hurting someone’s feelings! Another thing you could start planning out now is the family traditions that are important to you! Especially if you are wanting to start new ones! For example, this year we will be starting Elf on the Shelf for B and that is something that can be easily planned in advance! Maybe you want to do a special advent calendar, you can go ahead and figure those things out now so you don’t miss 3 days trying to find one and so on.

Another side to this is to start figuring out travel arrangements now. Book hotels, put in your PTO, and plan as much as you can for those holiday trips!

Want to make a holiday toast that will knock their socks off this year? Here are some tips!

3/ Start deciding on what recipes you’ll be making for said get-togethers!

By doing this so early on, when asked what you’ll bring you will know and be able to plan for the time it takes. This will prevent late-night grocery runs or early morning baking! I am such a green bean casserole kinda girl around the holidays and all the ingredients can be stocked up beforehand! Get those turkey and ham orders in now as well! It’s never too early!

Don’t forget those holiday festive drinks as well! Here are a few that are on the healthier side!

4/ Take or pick out your Christmas card photo now!

This is one thing that always sneaks up on me for some reason! Go ahead and get your address labels, start filling out those cards and have that picture ready to go when it’s time to order! There are so many ways to do your cards!

  • a selection of photos from throughout the year
  • a family photo from sometime throughout the year
  • pictures of the pets
  • no pictures
  • including a letter of an update for your family from the year
  • holiday themed pictures

I personally always use Shutterfly and you can order Christmas cards from them at any time of the year!

Need a new family photo? Let me know, I also do photography on the side and would love to help!

Happy Planning!

cozy fall
ways to prep for christmas early

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