21 Cozy Fall Activities For The Whole Family

bucket list

It’s here! Fall is here! And I am so excited to do all the cozy fall things with my family! I am going to soak up all of these last memories when it was just B and us! I want her to feel the love in the next couple of weeks! What better way to do that than to dive into the cozy fall activities? I have created a family-friendly cozy fall bucket list and wanted to share it with you all! It includes everything from fun outings to crafts at home! If you follow along, please tag me so I can see!

Cozy Fall Bucket List

There are so many great fall festivals in my area! We already have plans to go to the NC Apple Festival, our local fall festival, and a local orchard, Justus Orchard! Oh, and we are going to take Brinley to Strawberry Hill for her first time! Painting pumpkins will also be a local event that we attend! I love that so many of these activities can happen right at home as well! There are a ton of great ideas in this post as well!

I have both of the kids’ Halloween costumes picked out! I hand-make them every year! It makes me happy and plan on doing it for as long as they let me! I get to get crafty and they get to make memories with their mama! Our littlest will only 4 days old on Halloween if everything goes to plan! I can’t wait to share photos!! Hit comment and let me know your favorite fall activities to do with your family!

cozy fall

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