How I ended up in a Divorce Support Group

Y’all this is one heck of a story! Yup, you read that title right, I am in a divorce support group. And before you go getting all worried, yes I am still happily married! No, we are not having problems or getting divorced. It’s all quite hilarious how it happened!

A few months back I was invited by my sweet friend to a ladies bible study! She had a book picked out and I was very interested so I agreed to come! I was even more excited because it was with a group of women that I didn’t know! Since I am fairly new to the south, I always jump at the chance to meet new people! So my friend sends me the address and I order my study book!

First Meeting

The day comes for our first meeting! I am super excited to meet these ladies and do life together! I get to the girls’ house that we were meeting at that night and it was so welcoming! There was a cute spread of finger foods on the table, everyone seemed to be chatting away and I just jumped right in!

We start the night by going around the room and introducing ourselves and telling a little bit about us. This is when I started to notice a trend. Every woman that introduced her self said one of two things: Hi, I’m Sally* and I have been divorced for X amount of time or Hi, I’m Jane* and I have been separated for X amount of time.

Turns out most of these women had met previously at a divorce support group and only one other person in the group was still married. Being me, I didn’t even miss a beat, I introduced myself and we went along with our conversation. These girls were so amazing and honest with where they were at in life.

Most of you would probably guess that I stopped attending the group because I couldn’t relate to most of the things these ladies were going through. But you couldn’t be more wrong. I continued to meet with these incredible women and offered my insight during times that it was appropriate. I still made friendships and connections with these women even though our seasons in life looked different.

The Moral of the Story

We still meet regularly and have the best time! These women may be going through a hard time but that doesn’t make them any less awesome and a joy to be around! They are figuring out this life just like the rest of us! So no matter what season we are walking in, let’s show up for each other and walk alongside one another instead of hiding in our own discomfort!

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  1. This is the best story! You are absolutely right to show up for one another when we are in different seasons of life. For example my best friend never wanted kids and still doesn’t – whereas I’ve been unable yo have my own biological children which has been immensely hard for me, BUT she has been my biggest supporter and friend even though she can’t fully understand what I’m going through. Different seasons doesn’t mean we have to separate ourselves but that we can still grow together. 🙂

  2. Such a lovely post. It is always nice to be there for someone! A good friend will be there for you, rain or shine!

  3. I have a special needs son and find it hard to find and keep friends. I’ve recently started doing breakfast with another special needs mom, every wednesday. It is great and we can relate to one another!