We’ve made it halfway! – 20 Weeks!


We have made it to the halfway mark! I am 20 weeks today! It has been a wild ride already! We had our anatomy scan this week and little babe is perfect! All the measurements were good and we successfully did not find out the gender!

Of course, babe is measuring about a week ahead because I grow big babies haha. During the whole ultrasound, baby G was snuggling up to the placenta taking a little nap! Had it’s hands up by it’s face and kept looking at the “camera”. It is always a relief to see that sweet face on the screen! It has also been so fun for Josh to be able to come this pregnancy!

We got so many good photos this time and I already can’t wait to meet this sweet babe! Is it October yet? The best news of the day though was that my partial previa has been completed resolved! Such a relief to know that complication is gone! That means I can ramp up my workouts again and get back to normal life!

halfway ultrasound
No, the babe’s nose is not that big, it was just the 3D image haha!


This pregnancy has been pretty similar to my last. A lot of the same symptoms minus a few! My main complaint right now has been leg cramps! I drink water like a fish constantly and it’s so frustrating to still be battling leg cramps! Plus when I do get one, it is sore for days after! Very annoying. But a small price to pay.

I also started feeling this little one’s kicks and wiggles a lot earlier than B! Like it was probably around week 14 when it started! I love it! Baby G is so strong already! It especially likes to kick big sis when she is on my lap!

Heartburn hasn’t been a big issue this go around but I can probably think the prescription meds they gave me to deal with the morning sickness in the 1st trimester haha. I already was having a ton of heartburn at halfway with B.

The round ligament pain has been another annoying part starting early on it seems. I am just glad I knew about it and how to best deal with it from having the same issue with B.

As far as cravings, this will shock anyone who knows me. I have been craving spicy things. Hot Cheetos, cajun seasoned foods, etc. WEIRD! I do not do spicy!

Sweet profile and little arm!

Thoughts at Halfway

So I think it’s a boy. Don’t ask me why, I just do. lol.

I am excited to see how much faster this one learns things from having Brinley to watch!

We are finally moved into our new house and I can’t wait to get started on the nursery! It is going to be gender neutral again, obviously. I am going to use a lot of things from Brinley’s old room but add some new touches!

Hit me up with all your favorite mom cars that can hold more than one car seat! I’ve got my eye on a Ford Explorer but I am open to suggestions!

The next appointment will be my glucose test. And I have decided to have a repeat C-Section so we will get that scheduled next visit! Looking like this baby might join us in October instead of November! Yay!

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