Daily Habits for Better Living

Changing up your lifestyle can seem big and very daunting! When we have gotten into a routine of bad choices it may feel impossible to change. The best advice I can give is to start with small daily habits and celebrate every victory! I am going to share a few small things you can implement this very day to start heading in the right direction! At the very bottom on this post, I have created a checklist for you to use every day to track your progress! I hope these help!


If you are anything like I was, I only prayed when something bad happened or I was about to eat a meal. Not the most quality of prayers. I was aching for a better prayer life but wasn’t sure how to kick start it with confidence!

So I started small, I started praying first thing in the morning, most times before I even opened my eyes for the day. I wanted to start each day with a grateful heart and what better way to do that than to thank the Lord for a new day!

By starting my day with prayer, it helped me to remember to pray more throughout the day. When I was in the shower, or driving, or needed a quiet moment at work.

It also helps to pray with purpose. Ask your friends or people at your church what they need prayer for and make it a point to pray for them during the day. Maybe you have an event coming up, or something you are working towards or really want, pray about it.

Set reminders on your phone if you are having trouble making prayer a part of your day. You will be surprised how quickly you’ll start turning to prayer in your daily life!

God wants nothing more than to have a personal relationship with you and prayer is the number one way to be closer with Him!

Drink Water

I am 100% sure someone or some commercial has informed you of the importance of drinking enough water every day! What blows my mind is the number of people who still choose to not drink water!

I promise you that if you give it a real go for one week, you will feel so amazing and never stop! One week of drinking half your body weight in ounces every day and your body will thank you for it!!

I personally feel so much better when I get all my water in!! I have always been a big water drinker but I will have a Sprite every now and then and I 100% feel more sluggish, bloated and unsatisfied when I do. H2O all the way! If you need more convincing read this!

Move your Body

There are so many benefits to moving your body in some way every day. Whether that be going on a daily walk, or getting in 30 minutes of calorie-scorching exercise, it doesn’t really matter to me! If you create a habit of moving your body in some way, your body will thank you!

Daily movement benefits your body, brain, and mind! For me, it helps decrease stress, bloating, anxiety, stiffness, improve my mood and in turn keeps me more active.

Most of us sit behind a desk all day at work, come home and sit in front of the TV or computer and then lay in the bed to sleep. That is not how our bodies were meant to live!

Something as simple as an after dinner walk can help with so many things like digestion, better sleep, healthier joints, the list goes on! Start small, find a way to fit in 30 minutes of movement each day!

Read a Book

I am not saying you need to read a whole book every day, but there is something great about reading at least one chapter of a good book every day! It wakes up your mind and creativity! Your imagination gets a chance to work a little!

If you don’t enjoy reading hard copies then get an audiobook for your car or on your phone to listen to while you take your after-dinner walk 😉

There are literally so many amazing books out there and new ones are being released every single day! If you are into personal development books, I made a list of recent favorites!

Create a Routine

Living your life by routine is not where I am going with this. But there is something so great about establishing a morning or evening routine. Obviously, there is no right or wrong way to do this. It just truly depends on you! But if I had to provide you with an example it would be this!

Nightly Routine: 10 pm: set alarm on phone and plug into charger, wash face & brush teeth, set clothes out for tomorrow, grab your book and get in bed.

Bam. There you go. It’s that simple! Decide on your routine and start sticking to it daily!

Daily Habits Checklist

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  1. Great habits to have. My 75 yr old mom walks 4 miles a day, eats very modestly/healthy, and drinks only water and coffee. Doctors have told her she doesn’t look or get around like most 75 yr olds. I think her good habits have made a difference.

  2. Perfect advice!! Always start your day out with thankfulness and praise, praying to our Creator!!