Measurements vs. The Scale

It is time to address the importance of taking your measurements. Raise your hand if you are on a fitness journey. That includes everything from losing weight, toning up to gaining muscle for whatever reason. Now raise your hand if you have ever been discouraged because the scale didn’t move after a week of clean eating and consistent exercise. You. Are. Not. Alone.

I’ve been there too

This was me for years. I would almost be excited to step on the scale at the end of the week to see all my progress. And I’d see either the same number as last week or an even higher one. What the heck man?! After a few weeks of little-to-no change of that number, you could see why people give up.

Then one day I got a little educated on the topic of the stupid scale and other ways to track my progress. And it changed everything! I went from dreading getting on the scale to so pumped to track my progress this new way. Because it was such a better judge of how far I’d come!

Taking measurements

Taking measurements might take longer than standing on the scale but man is it so much more rewarding! Did you know that you can drop inches everywhere and never lose 1 pound? Well, it’s true! Because muscle weighs something just like fat does.

When you eat right and exercise consistently you are going to gain muscle and burn fat in the process. So that examples why sometimes the scale won’t move because yes you burned some unwanted fat but also gained some important muscle at the same time!

I don’t know about you but once I learned this, it lite a fire in my belly because who doesn’t want to be strong?! I became more obsessed with the gaining of muscle than the loss of fat. What a powerful mindset shift too! So much more positive and life-giving!

So what now?

So here is my advice. Find you a tape measure like you would use while sewing. Print out the chart below that I have made for you. Fill in the start blanks. Then just put it in a safe place. Find you a workout program at the right length for you (10 days, 21 days, 6 weeks, 80 days). By the way, I can totally help you with this part too! Here is one of the recent programs I completed! Or if you want to just focus on clean eating, give yourself a time frame to track. And then don’t get on that scale or take those measurements until you complete that program.

You will be blown away at the changes you’ll see in the mirror and on that piece of paper! It will be so much more satisfying than seeing a number change on a scale. Your body changes in more ways than that scale can register and sometimes we need to know about those changes to keep us going on our journey!!

Happy measuring friends!!

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