2020 Goals & Intentions

Full disclosure, I have never been a good goal setter. I mean, I am a 7 so goals kinda give me major anxiety! My struggle is that if I set goals then I could possibly fail. So in my head, it just makes more sense to not set them and see any progress as a bonus. I am sure all you planners out there are rolling your eyes at me. But that’s ok, I am getting better. This time, I have really thought out 2020!

I talked about last years’ goals in my last post and today I wanted to start painting the picture of 2020 because I am super excited about the things I have planned! But, I did myself a favor this year and set some big and little goals! I will admit that I get a lot of satisfaction from marking something off the list! So I thought, why not set some smaller goals that I can accomplish sooner rather than later! I did some major soul searching, researching and scrolling to get super inspired for this years’ goals! Okay, without further ado, I am going to share some of my 2020 goals with ya!

Goals Mind Map

2020 goals mind map

This mind map was such an easy way to get all my thoughts organized into goals! (I made it on Canva!) I use Canva just about every single day for one reason or another! All my blog graphics, social media content, posters, etc! SO many useful tools! Highly recommend!

2020 Goal Breakdown

I usually make a checklist note on my phone and list out all of the goals and it feels so good to check them off as the year goes on! I currently have 29 items on my 2020 goals list! That may seem like a lot but as I said above, I made small and big goals! Here is what I mean by that:

Small – Limit screen time, eat 3 plant-based meals a week, write a letter to me each season, start a physical piggy bank, mail out birthday cards all year long, 10 minutes of cleaning before bed each night, 1 Bible app study a month with Josh, volunteer somewhere new each month.

Big – Pay off debt, make a baby (IVF), travel to somewhere new, complete a no spend month, increase flexibility, learn a new hobby (hand embroidery is what I have picked!!), read 36 books (12 PD for work, 12 with my senior book club and 12 with my friends!), write/publish an ebook, take a girls trip, host a holiday party, open an online shop.

2020 goals pinterest graphic

I have to keep things simple when it comes to my goals. I know myself and know this will help me stay motivated all through the year. I’m not the type that can set goals for 3, 4 10 years from now. My mind can barely comprehend next week, let alone 10 years from now! You feel me?

I want to thank you so much for following along this past year! You better believe I promise to remain open, honest and raw with you this coming year! I will share my struggles, highlights and all the in-between! If you’d like to share some of your goals with me, I would love to hear them and help cheer you on this year! Just drop them in the comments below! 2020 is our year, friend!

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