Summer 2021 Recap

Not only is this year flying by but this summer has gone even faster! Sometimes having a scheduled routine can make the days feel very short. Brinley is like clockwork when it comes to when she naps and eats. I try to still be spontaneous on the weekends as much as a can. My enneagram 7 self needs that. But anyway, back to the point. Since I still haven’t found my groove with blogging since becoming a mama yet, I wanted to do a little recap of this summer. Lots of fun stuff to share so let’s dive in!

Essentially Captured was born!

I decided to start a little side photography business called Essentially Captured! I had my first paid sessions around the beginning of June! It has been SO MUCH FUN! I have done product photos for a local candle shop, family sessions, and more! I love to be creative in that way! I basically have my camera with me at all times now! If you ever want to book a session just message me! I am working on scheduling a weekend to come up to Indiana because there are several of you interested in booking shoots so keep an eye out for that!

New Job Status

Another big item was that I started a new job at MGA Research. We are an automotive testing company and I am the admin for the materials team. It is very fast-paced but as I learn and get the hang of it all, it’s pretty fun! Bonus, my new office is literally 5 minutes down the road! It’s an 8-5 job and that’s exactly what I was looking for so I wouldn’t have to miss evenings and weekends with my girl.

Brinley Updates

I will be brief in this section since I have separate posts dedicated just to Brinley Bear. She moved up to riding like a big girl in the jogger stroller, started eating baby food, sitting up on her own, says mama, switched to formula at 6 months, is showing signs of crawling soon, sleeps in just a sleep sack, and on her belly most nights, her first hotel stay, first boat ride, first time swimming, first artwork.

OBX ’21

We went to the Outer Banks for a family vaca this year and it was divine! Brinley loved the beach so much. The ocean sounded like her sound machine so she napped hard on the beach. The water was chilly but she didn’t care at all. We even had Lydia join us! We had the best week! And decided that we are making it an annual thing, same beach, the same week every year! I love traditions! I can’t wait to have yearly photos of B on the beach!

Mimi went to Heaven

Sadly, we made an unexpected trip to Tennessee because my sweet Mimi passed from a heart problem. It is absolutely heartbreaking and no one was ready for her to go. I have countless memories of Mimi always being there for me. So many sporting events, recitals, grandparents’ days, graduations, birthday parties, the list goes on. Her weekly calls just to check on me and tell me she loved me will be so missed! Luckily I have several of her voicemails saved on my phone. I think the worst part is that Brinley is not going to get to know her as I did.

Trip to Texas

To round out the summer B and I are jumping on a flight to visit Becca in Texas next weekend (Labor Day weekend). It will be our first time going to see where she lives! We may even go visit Magnolia! Her kitty is pregnant right now and due any day so we may have 7 kittens to play with while we are there!! Stay tuned for the trip recap post later in September!

mother to grandmother

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