2nd Trimester Recap

2nd trimester recap

The 2nd trimester is from 13-27 weeks. Honestly, it seems to take forever too. It feels like so much happened during the second trimester! Both baby showers, the nursery set up, maternity pictures, and more! So basically my 2nd trimester was from July – mid-October.

July we really started to work on the nursery! We basically started from scratch! Painted the walls, baseboards, and ceiling! We picked out the cutest light grey for the walls and went with just a white touch up for the ceiling and baseboards! Also, we updated some highlights in the room and it turned out so cute! My parents came down for the 4th of July weekend and helped us knock out a ton of it! We even got the nursery furniture built that weekend! It made things start to feel very real! I will share a nursery post soon, it is almost all the way finished! I adore that room now!

The 2nd trimester was a welcome change! I started to feel more energetic and traveled quite a bit! I visited the Biltmore Estate and Evansville twice! Luckily, I stayed very active with daily workouts and walks! I got a lot of the same questions during the 2nd trimester so I will do a FAQ section below!


When did you start to feel the baby move and kick?

To be exact, August 14th, 19 weeks and 2 days!! It was the most magical feeling! I was sitting at work, minding my own business, and bam! I felt a little flutter and then another one! It was so exciting! And this little bit hasn’t stopped squirming ever since! I love how active and wiggly this little nugget is! ALL the time! Especially at night, right when I am trying to go to sleep! It is my favorite thing to just lay around and watch my belly move! I felt the first hiccups at 29 weeks and 3 days! It was so cool!

Josh saw and felt his first kick on August 25th at 5:26 pm! It was so cool! I could kind of tell he was feeling a little left out of the experiences around this time because I had just had the big 20-week ultrasound and was now feeling the baby kick and move and he had missed out on all of it because of stupid Covid. So it was so cool to see his face light up when he felt that first kick! He loves to feel and watch my belly all the time now! I have a feeling I am going to miss those moments!

Another funny story, one of the pregnancy apps told us that Josh may be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat by putting his ear to my belly around 27 weeks and so he tried. As soon as he laid his ear on my belly the baby kicked him right in the face! It was so funny!

How are you carrying the baby and what position is it in?

Well the baby has been breech at least since 20 weeks. Its head hangs out near my belly button and it kicks and punches my right side all day and night long. I feel like I am carrying the baby right in the middle.

Do you think it is a boy or a girl?

Well, I really don’t know. Josh says it is a girl. I have only dreamt about the baby once and it was a boy in my dream so who really knows! I also didn’t feel any contractions in the dream and birthed him standing up haha! I breastfed him very easily and I was amazed at that! haha! I can’t wait to find out though! I think all the wives’ tales say it’s a girl!

Have you had any Braxton Hicks contractions and when did they start?

YES! I am not sure exactly when they started but I would guess around 23-24 weeks. I started out getting them mostly when I worked out. But as the weeks have gone on, I get them a lot more often! When I go from sitting to standing, if I am leaning over, like doing the dishes or folding laundry, and randomly. Doc said it was normal and to just watch them.

Do you sleep with a pregnancy pillow?

Yes and no. I did a lot in the first trimester because of those dang PIO shots. But I couldn’t during the summer because it would make me too hot! I have started using it more in the last month to help me stay on my sides. I was never a back sleeper but it is by far the most comfortable position for me while pregnant which sucks since you are suppose to stay on your sides.

What have your 2nd trimester symptoms been?

HEARTBURN! No matter what I do to avoid the heartburn, it doesn’t work. I take medicine for it, I stopped drinking coffee or things that were making it worse. But honestly, tums are my best friend right now!

The restless leg has been another big one! When I go to lay down at night it is the worst! But I found these Calm magnesium gummies early on that help so much! So taking those are a part of my nightly routine now.

Leaking colostrum is another one that has been happening for quite some time. As the weeks go on it gets worse. The doc says it is a good sign for breastfeeding! So I am just dealing with it and hoping she is right!

Those are the big ones, but I have had a few other small things as well. Some round ligament pain, sciatica pain, indigestion, headaches, back pain, general discomfort, and vivid dreams!

The nesting is so real now that we have had all our baby showers! I feel like this next 3rd trimester will fly by because it is during all the big holidays! Thanks for reading along friends! If you have any other questions, drop them in the comments below!

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  1. This last trimester will go by both fast and slow. It is such an exciting time. Your body will continue to prepare for this precious baby. I cannot wait until we are able to meet our first grandchild!

    1. How exciting for you and Josh! Your precious baby will be here before you know it!! Praying the labor delivery and baby are all healthy and no complications!!