IVF Process Update

Hi friends! I am currently blaring Lecrae and Tauren Wells on repeat! Like every day. I need constant reminders of God’s hope and love! So this IVF thing is real now. Not only have we paid for over half already but we also had an appointment yesterday where I got a lot of information about the actual process. I am going to get kinda specific in this next part just so the awesome women who are going through this or will be going through this can kind of get an idea of what it might look like for them.

Disclaimer: Every infertility case is different and please talk to your doctor about any questions you have! DO NOT turn to the internet for medical advice! DO research but always turn to trained professionals for actual answers! Also, here is this.

IVF process update

What is next for Sydney in this process?

To start things out I will have baseline labs and an ultrasound done early next week. I will then start my meds at the end of next week. I actually start my meds (shots and pills) on Valentine’s Day which I have decided is an adorable sign!

I will be taking 2 shots in the abdomen and 4 pills every day. These are just the meds pre retrieval. There is a whole other list for post-retrieval and then another one for after transfer. And not the shots will not stop after transfer. I learned yesterday that I will get a lovely shot in my bottom every day until I am 10 WEEKS preggo! That’s a lot of shots in the bottom guys!

I am trying to not think about all the shots yet. It kinda makes me nervous. But I am sure it will get easier as I do it. I mean I will be doing it daily for quite a while.

I got approval to continue working out through the whole process but she told me to listen to my body. Before my retrieval, my ovaries will be huge because they will be making a ton of follicles and so I’ll be super bloated and uncomfortable. So I might need to take it easy during that but I plan to keep training how I usually do. I would LOVE to have an active pregnancy but I will do whatever it takes to keep the pregnancy and be safe!

Please reach out!

So next week I want to do a Q&A on all things infertility! Please comment below or send me your questions through social media or email me at essentiallysydney@gmail.com 🙂 There are no stupid questions! I will answer everything to the best of my ability!

I am going to start sending weekly updates out to my email list on this process. So if you’d like to receive those please go to the homepage and subscribe!

Here is my IVF playlist! All the good vibes!

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  1. You’ve got this! More so, God’s got this! I am so proud and excited for you and Josh! Words can’t even express! We have an army praying for y’all!!! I love you both so much!!! Mom

    1. Excited for you and Josh! Thanks for sharing your journey – Look forward to following you on your IVF journey. Prayers for yall!