How to Make that December Birthday Feel Special

In honor of my 28th birthday let’s talk about how to celebrate a December birthday the right way! Oh December babies, depending on your friends and family, you may struggle with having your birthday forgotten or overshadowed by the holidays. Luckily, I am not the only December baby in my family so my loved ones have always made it a point to celebrate my birthday in addition to all the other holiday gatherings! But you still may wonder how to celebrate your friend or family member that was born in the last month of the year! I am here to provide you with some ideas to make them feel special!

I firmly believe that everyone should celebrate the day they were born! It is a pure miracle that you entered this world so of course, you should celebrate another trip around the sun! After going through IVF and learning exactly what it takes to create a human being, it has made me appreciate birth even more! The chances of your exact egg meeting your exact sperm and then for your embryo to survive and grow for 9 whole months is absolutely incredible! This event should NEVER be taken for granted!

december birthday

Let the celebration begin!

First off, quality time has never been so important than when celebrating a December baby! The last thing we want is for our birthdays to be combined with a different holiday gathering. Now don’t get me wrong, this only applies to your close family and friends. You don’t want your husband saying oh we can just celebrate your birthday at the family Christmas party. That is so not cool. Just take us to brunch or dinner and let us feel special for a couple of hours at least.

So here are some DO’s and Don’ts of celebrating a December birthday!

  • DO separate birthday and Christmas as much as possible. Like actual birthday cake, presents that are not wrapped in Christmas paper, traditions, etc! An idea: turn the Christmas tree into a birthday tree for the day! Add streamers, balloons, etc! So fun!
  • DON’T be afraid to mix it up! Maybe your loved one has always wanted a summer-themed birthday like her little sister that was born in June! Or even wait a few months a throw a half birthday party! We have always talked about doing this in our family because we have several December birthdays!
  • DO opt for an experience as a gift instead of objects! Especially, as kids, items can just be all lumped together but when you specifically plan an experience it will really feel special. I am sure they will get plenty of stuff at Christmas.
  • DO take advantage of all the fun things your town or city is doing around the holidays! Ice skating rinks, festivals, special deals at restaurants!

December Birthdays

The moral of the post is to just make sure to make your person feel special! As someone who has had 28 December birthdays now, I promise this is all we want. Just some love! Happy December 21st friends!

Blogmas Giveaway

As a reminder! We are not on day 21 of Blogmas and in order to enter for the giveaway you have to comment on each daily post and share each post to your social media! The prize will be so fun! Don’t miss out! It takes less than 5 minutes to enter! Do you have a December birthday in your family?

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  1. December birthday’s are very special. I always had so much fun planning you girls’ birthday parties!

  2. I love the idea of turning you tree into a party tree! Happy Birthday Sydney! We love you! ❤️ I agree, everyone’s birthday should be a special day!

  3. My girls birthday is tomorrow and I’ve tried to do many of the things you mention in your blog. I have to say it was easier when they were small but now with being in school and well 2020, it is hard to celebrate the way I wish we could..big party, friends. So we’re going to make best of it with balloons, baking and decorating a yummy cake together and of course gifts. I’m leaning towards a half-birthday party but again hard unless you have the school friends information.