Holiday Traditions

Holiday traditions are such a special thing! Regardless of when or how they happen, when they are passed down and continued by generation after generation, it is so magical! My mom is the queen of holiday traditions! I love her so much for that! She has always made sure to make a big deal about things her family did or even the things she and my dad started when my sister and I were little! Today she has a little to say about holiday traditions herself!

holiday traditions

Robin Lax

I am not going to lie. I LOVE TRADITIONS. When I think of my family’s traditions, my heart flutters a little. I like the certainty of things that will continue to be passed on from one generation to another. I love that my daughters, expect certain traditions. This ensures that they will continue them. I also understand that they will start new traditions with their children as I did mine.

When you are a child, you don’t worry about the word tradition. You just know that wonderful things are going to happen. As a child during the holidays, I remember my grandpa reading the Christmas story to my sisters and me. The tree was in the family room with colorful lights. There were always wonderful smells coming from the kitchen. My grandma was a wonderful cook. 

When I was little…

In my childhood home, we decorated the tree, and anxiously waited for Santa. My mom always made homemade sugar cookies that had icing and sprinkles. I have continued that tradition with my daughters. We have made dozens of those sugar cookies over the years. We will have flour, sugar, and sprinkles all over the kitchen. It never feels like Christmas until the tins are full of cut out cookies.

holiday traditions

Now with my babies…

My oldest daughter is a December baby. Right before she turned one, I went to a craft show. I found this little homemade drawstring bag made out of Christmas fabric. I thought it would be fun to put it in the bottom of her stocking and put something special in it every Christmas. When I had my second daughter, I actually found the same booth at the craft show four years later and bought another little bag. My adult daughters still find something special in their bags on Christmas morning. My first grandbaby will be arriving during this holiday season. I plan on making a little bag and putting it in my grandchild’s stocking. 

You’re never too old…

Do we ever outgrow toys? NO way! A couple of years ago I thought it would be fun to get my family a toy. I did not even tell my husband what I was going to do. I bought Nerf guns and tons of foam bullets for all of us. It was the last gifts opened. A Nerf war immediately started. We ran all over the house and laughed for hours. We found Nerf bullets for months all over the house. Another year, everyone received a remote control car. It was a warm and beautiful Christmas day, so we raced our cars up and down the road. Another Christmas, everyone received a drone. I am not sure what Santa is going to bring this year. What I do know, is that I will cherish every laugh and memory.

On Christmas day, after all the gifts are unwrapped, breakfast has been eaten, we then head to the family room and get comfy. We always watch, “It’s a Wonderful Life”. My husband started this tradition for our family. This heartfelt movie is the perfect way to relish in the afterglow of the mornings’ festivities. 

It really does not matter how many traditions you and your family have. What does matters, is that you remember what the season is truly about and cherish every second with your loved ones. 

Momma Lax

Do you want to read more by my amazing momma? You can find more of her words here! Or interested in learning about traditions all over the world?

Traditions are there and sometimes we don’t even realize it! They just form on their own and become some of the most magical times in our lives! I personally can’t wait to start traditions with our little one! What is one of your favorite traditions your family does? Put your answer in the comments below to stay entered in the Blogmas giveaway!

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  1. Love these traditions! I think y most favorite it our ornament decorating each year followed by decorating the tree. This is done by the whole family! ❤️

  2. I love the idea of traditions. My niece and I had a tradition from when she was 2 until a couple years ago, every Christmas Eve her and I would snuggle in her bed and read Twas The Night Before Christmas before bed. I miss that but she says she’s too old for that. It’s definitely a tradition I plan to continue with my family <3