Flower Explosion

Gibbs Gardens

Gibbs garden was a dream! Last week we were lucky enough to take a trip to Ball Ground, Georgia to walk around world-famous gardens for the day! It was incredible, they have 16 different gardens that will blow you away! 

A few fun facts that I learned, first that Jim Gibbs and his wife live in the grounds in the Manor House! This is crazy to me because when you visit you can walk right up to the house windows and peek in. But I will say it is the most beautiful view from their patio because it is the highest point on the grounds so you can see the mountains and some of the gardens below! Breathtaking. Also, Mr. Gibbs traveled for 15 years viewing gardens all over the world before deciding to create his own! He then spent 6 years looking for the perfect spot to do it! Dedication! 

Pictures of course

Below, I have included some shots I got that day to give you a sneak peek! But really, I encourage you to make a trip yourself to take in the total beauty! It was so easy to snap 500 photos of these gardens! SO much beauty at every turn!

The main focal point of the gardens when we were there was the daffodils! They have a hill covered in them! Over a million actually! All different colors and styles! They also have some called ‘late bloomers’ that will bloom later on in the season!

Side note

I should probably explain why I was there in the first place. I work with the Spartanburg County Parks Department 50+ Program. One of our MANY programs is our day trips! We take about 3 a month and usually stay within 3 hours of home. We have done all kinds of trips, shows, shopping, classes, museums, zoos, college sports, etc! It is such a fun part of my job! Shameless plug, if you live in the area you should definitely be signing up for our trips! We have the best times! You can check out all that we do here.

If you are interested in making a visit, here is the website.

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  1. I loved the gate too! Beautiful pictures! What a beautiful place to see God’s wonderful creations!

  2. So beautiful! We are hoping to go to the tulip festival this year here in Oregon but when we tried to go last weeks the tulips were not in bloom yet. Hopefully soon though!