How To Set Goals You’ll Actually Stick With + Templates

Okay so real talk time, I set a lot of goals for this year. I had NO IDEA what 2020 had in store for me. Needless to say, it looked nothing like I thought it would. As for my goals, they drastically changed throughout the year, and that’s 100% ok. That’s the beauty of goal setting, it is no set in stone! They are goals!

Now this year, I plan on setting myself up for success and only setting 2 or 3 goals, especially since I will be starting the year off with a brand new baby! I know my time will not be my own for a while and I can’t wait. But I still want to set a few goals and have something to work towards! I am using a few templates to narrow down my goals and decided to share them with you!

Where to Start

This can be the hardest part, getting started. We live in a world where we can be easily overwhelmed with information. We also live in a world where we are told we are not enough and have plenty to change about ourselves. That we need to be more fit, more organized, have clearer skin, smaller waists, and happier lives. Everything must appear perfect to the outside world.

This is where we fail, in my opinion. We let the world dictate how we want to live our lives and how we want them to look. I think the first step to setting resolutions you’ll actually stick to is figuring out what YOU want your life to look like!

Shut out all the influencers that only show 10% of their actual lives and stop basing real life off of movies and tv shows! Life is messy, it’s busy and hectic and complicated! It’s not picture-perfect, simple, and easy. We are humans, we have bad days! We fall off the bandwagon and lose interest. These are all ok things!

The trick? Starting again! Getting back on the bandwagon, finding a new interest and starting at go again!

So first let’s think about what we actually want! If you don’t like or need to wake up early in the mornings, don’t set a resolution that has you waking up early! If you hate writing by hand, don’t set a goal to write birthday cards each month (this one is for me!). Get what I am saying?

Goals Brain Dump

I find it easier to set my goals once I get all of the ideas out of my head and onto paper in front of me! Whether you type them up, jot them down or record them in a voice memo, I don’t care. Just get them out of your head. That was I can figure out which ones are realistic, important to me, and will serve me the most. Now try and divide them into categories.

2021 goal setting
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Tips for Setting Goals

So we all know how to pick a goal, but what can we do to actually make hat goal happen? To set ourselves up for the most success? Try following these tips when setting your goals this year.

  • Pick goals that get you excited! Ones that you actually want to reach. Ones you are motivated to work towards. Bonus: figure out your why for that goal and write it down!
  • Set SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
  • Put your goals in writing somewhere! Whether that be in your phone notes app or on your bathroom mirror. Write them down somewhere you can find them and look at them often!
  • Make a support action plan. If your goal is to eat at home 4 nights of the week then you need to meal plan and grocery shop for those 4 nights ahead of time. This will set you up for the most success.
  • Stick with it! Remember that setting goals is an ongoing thing. Goals may need tweaking as time goes on. And that’s 100% ok!
  • Give your goal a time stamp, if applicable. When you have a deadline, you are much more likely to stay on top of things.

Time to Set Some Goals

2021 goal setting
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I truly hope these templates help you in setting your goals for 2021! As an Enneagram 7, I know goal setting can be a scary thing. But it will most certainly help guide you this year if you let it!

How many goals do you typically set each year? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. I typically just set 1 or 2. I don’t like to disappoint myself! This year I am going with 1. I got an air fryer for Christmas, so I am going to try eating out less! We shall see! 😉