Week 7 Of The Road to Baby G #2!

week 7

As slow as the days may feel, the last 7 weeks have flown by. I have a feeling that might be how this whole pregnancy will feel. Really if I think about it, that is how the whole last year and a half have felt!

I love being a mother. It challenges me in the best way! My cup is filled every day by my little family and the thought of that family growing even more just brings me so much joy! I have not and never will take even a day of being a mother for granted when there was a time when I wasn’t sure I would ever be one. Here is your friendly reminder to count your blessings and squeeze those littles in your life a little tighter today. From seeing horrific photos in the news to knowing sweet friends who have had losses, it will quickly put your perspective in check.

Onto happier news, we have a perfect, healthy little bean growing in my belly! And bonus, we got to see that little bean this week! Our first ultrasound brought relief, joy, and comfort after weeks of worrying about the what-ifs. The fact that anything can happen at any time is not lost on me and most of the time I can stay I stand strong in my faith. But still, I am human and have moments or days of weakness, where I worry. So seeing that racing heartbeat on the ultrasound screen brings comfort that I can’t even explain.

Now we wait another 2 weeks to see it again!

Our instructions are to continue all meds (shots and pills) until we are 10 weeks. So only around 20 more shots to go! Whoop Whoop! I am so thankful they are easier to deal with this time around! Huge blessing!

Symptoms are still the same, just exhaustion. No morning sickness which is super cool! I am really feeling pretty normal besides the knots in my bum and really wanting to take a nap every day around 2 PM haha. This leads me to think it is another girl. Everything feels just about the same as my last pregnancy. I wish I could remember what Brinley’s heart rate was but I can’t! This little bean’s heart rate was around 148. What’s your guess? Boy or Girl?

Well, I know it’s not much of an update but that is all I’ve got for you today! Thanks for stopping by and praying for our journey!

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