Time For A Brinley Update – 4 Months

4 months

How is my little tiny baby girl already 4 months?! Time is a thief! Anyways, let’s talk about her! I feel like we reached 4 months and EVERYTHING changed! Her sleep changed, her personality opened up and now we are working on putting some more meat on her bones! It has been a roller coaster of a ride but we are totally here for it! I wouldn’t trade even one second with this girl! Brinley is definitely a mamas girl! I melt every time her face lights up when she sees or hears me!

4 Month Check-Up

Well, our girl is not gaining weight as she should be. She dropped into the 9th percentile in weight and well off her chart. She weighed in at 12.25 lbs and 25 inches long! My long skinny girl! The doctor recommended adding some cereal to get bottles to get more calories in during the day. We will go back for a weight check in a few weeks to make sure it is helping.

She got her shots and only cried for a couple seconds. She is so brave!

Otherwise, we have a VERY happy and healthy baby girl! She is developing well and crushing her milestones!


  • We have a rolly polly on our hands, friends! Brinley will rollover within 30 seconds of laying her down! She is finally realizing that she can roll back over when she gets tired of being on her belly! She is also tucking her knees under and scooting her butt in the air too! Our curious girl loves to look around when on her belly!
  • She has finally found her feet! Only a few times but progress!
  • More often than not, Brinley is babbling away! Sometimes she talks to herself and sometimes it feels like she is having a conversation with you!
  • Her favorite thing is to eat her hands, toys, our fingers, really anything she can get into her mouth!
  • She holds toys with both hands and even helps hold her bottles!
4 months


Our once wonderful sleeper was hit hard by the 4-month sleep regression! We still have not gotten back to where we were but things are getting better! We switched from a swaddle with both arms out to the Magic Merlin Sleep Suit and it made a huge difference! She sleeps through the night most nights again but every couple of nights she wakes up around 3-5 and has a hard time going back down and staying down. I have had to bring her in bed with us a few times. Where I proceed to lay there and listen to everyone else sleep haha.

For naps we still use the Halo sleepsack

Our biggest struggle is her waking up 45 minutes too early! We have a very strict schedule we have to keep to in the morning in order for everyone to get where they need to be on time. But she keeps waking up 45 minutes before I can feed her and she wakes up quite hungry. We have tried putting her to bed earlier and later and still haven’t found the answer yet. Only time will tell.

4 months


We are still battling her reflux but seem it seems to be getting a little better. She takes Pepcid twice a day and adding the cereal to her bottles has helped reduce her spit up a lot! She is a fast eater so sometimes that can cause her to get the hiccups and spit up more. Poor baby! But regardless, it barely even phases her.

B’s Favorite Things

4 months

So as you can see, we are just loving life with this little girl! She brightens every day! Our house stays a mess, we go to bed almost as soon as she does, and somedays we are walking zombies but man, I wouldn’t trade it for the world! 4 months down, a lifetime to go!

4 months

Want to learn how to snap professional looking photos of your little one?? Here are my top tips!

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  1. This little lady brightens my day every day!!! I love being her Mims!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Slow down time, please! What a joy that she has brought to our family!! I can’t wait to squeeze her again!

  3. She is adorable. We have a 4-month-old granddaughter that lives over 300 miles away so we don’t get to see her and her sister as often as we would like. It’s nice seeing what a four-month-old is doing and loving.