Megan Beard, Teacher, B.F.F.

This is Megan! She is my bestie! We have been friends since high school! We have laughed together, cried together and shared incredibly big life memories together and I wouldn’t trade her for the world! She is a teacher, daughter and dog mom! She is also getting married in August to an amazing guy!

Today we are going to do a little Q&A with this bombshell of a woman! I have asked her questions on various topics and we are just going to get to know Megan a little! Let’s dive on in!

What 5 beauty products can you not live without?

Even though I am not a spender when it comes to makeup, I find all kinds of ways to use more affordable makeup to look like the expensive stuff.
1. Covergirl Foundation
2. Medium-Dark Red Lipstick
3. Brown pencil for those professionally done eyebrow look
4. Dark Powder in order to contour my chubby cheeks and tiny nose
5. Light white/ivory eyeshadow in order to hide bags under my eyes and highlight my cheekbones.

Favorite memory of being a teacher so far?

Every day is a new adventure…for example, we had a wasp fly in 8th period yesterday and he’s still chilling with us. We named him Timothy and he has been the talk of the school since he flew in yesterday. So lots of precious learning happening when something like that happens. LOL
But honestly, I love making a difference with my kiddos and not just academically (even though we are ranked #1 in all school for math scores and growth).  Teaching them lessons about being kind, a good person, overcoming struggles, handling negative situations, etc. is probably what I love most.  They all take it in and really reflect on what I am saying and in my mind I think to myself “Wow, this can really shape who they become as a teenager and young adult.

Favorite vacation spot and why?

Cancun. Unlimited. Free. Margaritas. Enough said.

Why did you decide to become a teacher?

Not only does becoming a teacher run in the Gower/Elfreich blood, but it also takes a special person not to shove a child into a locker with half the things these kids say and do. I love them like my own, but there are multiple times a day where I have to remind myself that I would not look my best in a prison orange jumpsuit.

Do you have any First Day of School traditions?

Oh yeah! That first day runs like clockwork.  I am going to be seeing this child more than there parent sees them throughout the day. So I make it a point every year to start out with a positive bang! My kids know that they are MINE and that I am going to love them and greet them and talk to them every day because I care deeply as if they were my own child

What current trends are baffling to you and why?

Geeze, well first just all the expectations our career hands us. I deal with living, breathing, emotional 11 years old for 8 hours straight. No bathroom breaks… teacher’s bladder is real.  A 35-minute lunch that is when I am not returning phone calls, emails, writing referrals, in impromptu meetings, grading papers, making track practice and cheer practice plans, etc.
So with all this MoMo challenge nonsense, Fortnite craze, teenage drama, and all the other topics that fly in my door with my 6th graders, I wish that we could be trusted to teach and handle our kids the best way we know how. Because trust me, they don’t come in as perfect little angels. There is a LOT more teachers have to deal with than just our “duties and responsibilities”.

What is your first memory of school?

My first memory teaching was seeing my first 8th grader come up to me being 6’7″, very dark, very strong, and very big.  He comes up to me as I am just thinking ‘oh my word he could eat me’….and he opens his mouth and says “Hi there” with a huge grin. As I tell the class that I am going to be happy and care for them each day he stands up in the middle of me speaking, walks to me, picks me up, like feet are dangling here people, and hugs me so tight. I have to respond with ok, ok, I love you too! It was the best!

Is there a quote or saying that you live your life by?


“Be the change you wish to see in this world” – Gandhi.

(I have multiple signs in my classroom and at my house with this quote)

What’s your favorite ‘90s jam?

“It’s gonna be MAY” (If you are not a teacher you may not get the joke without seeing the meme of Justin Timberlake’s 20-year-old face with that quote underneath it.)

What’s the funniest thing one of your students have done?

I did have a group of my Cedar Hall boys dance down the hallway singing Boyz II Men as one of them decides to get on one knee and propose to me. That was pretty darn cute and one of my favorite memories

Wouldn’t you want this woman as your teacher?! She is the most fun creature to be around! I am so glad that she uses her huge heart to love on kiddos all day long!

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If you want to meet my other two best friends, read Kramer’s post here and Mary’s post here!

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