Stocking Stuffers under $20

How fun are stocking stuffers? They are like little bonus gifts! Sometimes the smallest gift can be the most special! So let’s get our shop on with these stocking stuffers under $20 ideas I’ve found for you! I have divided them up into For Her, For Him, and For Kids! Obviously, you can use any of them for anybody because they are all fun but anyway! Oh and full disclosure, some of the links below are affiliate links. That basically means, if you make a purchase using my links, I may get a small (very small) commission for it! So, I just want to say thank you ahead of time for helping support me and this little blog!

[For Her] Stocking Stuffers

[For Him] Stuffers

stocking stuffers
1. Book 2. Whiskey Ice Molds 3. Poo-Pourri 4. Candle 5. Can Coolers 6. Collapsible Coffee Cup 7. Air pods Case 8. Shredder Claws 9. Jelly Beans

[For Kids] Stocking Stuffers

stocking stuffers
1. Crayons 2. Puzzle 3. Sticky Hands 4. Bananagrams 5. Snowman Popper 6. Airpods Case 7. Mad Libs 8. Wacky Waving Mini 9. Harmonica

I hope these ideas have helped you finish your stocking stuffer shopping! At least maybe these ideas can inspire others for you! My mom has always been really good at finding the best things to put in our stockings! They might not be useful but man are they fun to play with! In case you missed yesterday’s post on Ugly Christmas Sweaters make sure you go check it out and comment and share to be entered for the Blogmas giveaway!

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  1. Stockings are my ultimate FAVORITE to get and to give!!!!! I almost like them more than the actual present! πŸ˜‚

      1. Stockings are always my catch….some fun some useful. Always get new ornaments in stockings! Some neat ideas though! Thanks!

  2. I love the poo pourri added in there for the guys πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ what cute ideas. Maybe I’ll use some of them on you 😁