January Challenge – 31 Days – You Can Do This

Who doesn’t love a good challenge?! Let’s start this year strong with an accomplishment, shall we! We don’t want another 2020 repeat haha. Now when I had this challenge idea I was having trouble picking just one challenge and I knew that not everyone would be into the same type of challenge. So, I decided to create a few and let YOU pick your own adventure!!! See what I referenced there? If you know, you know.

Anyway, it’s just 31 days. These are usually the most motivated 31 days of my year. I get myself all hyped up for the new year and get my goals set and make it happen all month long! It’s not until around March when I start losing steam. NOT THIS YEAR! If we end up liking this months challenge, maybe we can do one together each month so we can stay crushing it! Deal? Deal.

January challenge

Challenge Options

Now don’t let me get in your way if you are feeling crazy motivated and want to take on more than one challenge! More power to ya! Just be careful not to bite off more than you can chew! I want you to succeed here friend! Alright so here are your options for the month of January.

  • Kindness
  • Fitness
  • Photography
  • Organization

Kindness Challenge

Now we are all adults here. I don’t need to tell you what to do and when to do it. I also know that most days either don’t go as planned or look different from all the rest. So that’s why I did not assign a day to these tasks. You can complete these tasks on whatever days you want! There is even room to add more if you have your own ideas too! Click the images to print

Fitness Challenge

Friend, I could care less how you choose to move your body. But here’s the deal. Committing to moving your body for at least 30 minutes daily will significantly change your life! You can choose to go on daily walks, start a workout program, do a simple circuit you found on YouTube or Pinterest. Or a combination of all of them! It really doesn’t matter what you choose as long as you stick with it!

Not only will you feel amazing but you’ll feel so accomplished when you look back on the month and you crushed this goal! This challenge could spiral into many positive outcomes if you let it. You could start eating better because you want to maximize your results or you could finally start sleeping better because that is a “side effect” of daily exercise! Trust me, the pros definitely outweigh the cons!

Below I am providing you with a printable calendar for the month of January! 31 days to crush this goal! Make a commitment to yourself and do the dang thing! Go print it out, and watch the motivation build as you cross off each day! It’s just 30 minutes a day, I guarantee you spend at least that scrolling each day! If you are interested in checking out the workout programs I have been doing for the last 3 years, just message me and we will get you all set up!

Bonus challenge: drink at least half your body weight in water each day! Gotta keep that body properly hydrated!

January challenge

Photo A Day Challenge

This might be one of my favorite challenges! Basically, all you have to do is take at least 1 photo each day! It takes maybe 1 second and gives you a memory for a lifetime! Win-win situation for sure! I will provide you with a photo prompt but honestly, this is your challenge, make it your own. As long as you capture at least one moment of your day each day in January I consider that a completion! I have seen people create Facebook albums to store their daily photo pictures, but you can just keep them for yourself as well!

January challenge

Organization Challenge

Phew, the holidays were crazy and our homes probably show it! Let’s spend the next month getting our lives back together! One day at a time, one task at a time, we will make it through! There’s no benefit to stressing about the mess and trying to cram it all into one day. It will not happen. But this way, at least you have a plan!

January challenge

Alrighty friends, now get out there and crush your goals! I will be joining in on the fun over on my Instagram page so feel free to follow along! Let me know which challenge you are tackling in the comments below!

Having trouble finding the motivation to workout? Check out these tips!

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