A Letter to My Sweet Baby


Today, I am sitting on the beach. It’s Thanksgiving Day in the year 2020. I am here with your daddy, Grandma, and Grandpa. We are also still in the middle of a pandemic. So we decided to get out of town and head to our favorite place, the beach. This is our last trip before you arrive. You, my sweet baby, are the star of the show these days!

sweet baby 34 weeks

Today I am 34 weeks pregnant with you. Although the beginning was slow, overall this pregnancy has flown by. I can’t believe I will get to finally meet you in 6 weeks or less! We can’t wait! I know everyone says that but we really truly can’t! We waited longer than we wanted to for you! A few years longer actually. We had to work a bit harder than most people to create you! It took lots of doctor’s appointments, shots, and hard days.

sweet baby 34 weeks

Quite the Journey

Everything from creating you to growing you has been different than we expected when we started dreaming about you. We’ve had to use science to make you and medicine to grow you. And your daddy hasn’t gotten to have the pregnancy he always dreamed of either. Sadly, because of this pandemic, he hasn’t gotten to go to any appointments to check on you with me. That has been very hard for him because he has wished for you for a long time!

sweet baby 34 weeks

Your daddy and I think and talk about you all the time. We really don’t know that much about you yet. We don’t know if you are a boy or a girl. The only thing we know that you are safe and healthy in my belly. It has been so much fun to prepare for your arrival. We have decorated a whole room just for you. You’ve been showered with love and gifts from so many people who are just as excited to meet you! There are a lot of prayer warriors that are keeping you safe too!

So Much Love!

You are so loved already! From the moment your daddy and I started talking about you, you have been loved so much! I can’t even imagine loving you more right now but I know when I finally get to hold you and look into your beautiful little eyes, my heart might explode from all the love!

sweet baby 34 weeks

We talk about all the things we will do when you get here! How we will snuggle you, teach you, grow with you, and how much you will change our lives for the better! We are so ready to be your parents! You are my sweet little miracle baby and God created you just for me! I am so beyond honored and blessed to be your mommy!

Love, Mommy

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